I developed the band branding for Suffolk duo, Honey and the Bear. This included the casual logo, designing artwork for both their EP releases, as well as designing their new website and Mailchimp campaigns. The latest artist photographs were taken by a local portrait photographer, Nick Illott, which I have used in their tour/event posters. The role also involves a degree of social media management, regularly adding content to make the duo more accessible and interesting to the wider audience. The important thing is that it doesn’t get stale. You need to constantly shift and change with the seasons. Last summer it was all about sunsets, and throughout the winter of 2016 into early 2017, it became all about the dark moody photographs. What will be next? Wait and see.
Does your band need help from a graphic designer?
Maybe you need a logo for use on posters, or perhaps you are trying to get to the next level, but just need a more professional edge? Get in touch with me to discuss the options available to you. You’ll find my contact details below.
If you have a design project and you'd like my guidance and expertise, please don't hesitate to get in touch. Either send me an email or give me a call. If you could provide a detailed description of the project, I will get back to you as soon as possible.